Sunday, September 13, 2009

Introductory Blog


Well this is it – my first blog post! The underlying force behind the creation of this blog is to not only fulfill the requirements of EDES 501: Exploration of Web 2.0 offered by the University of Alberta, but to also encourage (possibly even force) myself to engage with and become proficient using web 2.0 technologies. I became both interested and fascinated with two, of what seems to be an infinite number, of web 2.0 technologies during a recent summer course, because of A) their captivating coolness factor that allows you to connect with people anywhere, anytime and B) I could see their potential as a classroom educator.

Who am I?

I currently teach grade 6 at a K-9 school in a lower socioeconomic neighbourhood, where a large percentage of the students are new immigrants, and I absolutely love it! I’ve been teaching for around 10 years and in addition to teaching in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, I’ve also had the pleasure of teaching in Auckland, New Zealand for 2 years. I earned my B.A. and B.Ed. from Concordia University College of Alberta and am progressing towards a Master of Education degree from the University of Alberta.

While on my New Zealand teaching excursion I met my Kiwi husband and we currently don’t have any children or pets to report. Together we enjoy travelling, experiencing other cultures, tasting ethnic food, skiing, biking, and spending time with family and friends. Additionally, I also enjoy the culinary arts and I try to attend a weekly ballet or yoga class.

Where is this blog going?

Predicting the future of this blog is a bit tricky, as I don’t really know where my learning of web 2.0 technologies are going to take me, but allow me to set out a few guidelines:
First of all I would classify myself as an average computer user. I am proficient at using Microsoft Office, Hotmail and Facebook. More recently I’ve become a member of a Yahoo chat group, but have only been a lurker – never posted, have created two basic posters on Glogster and have created a simple comic on Pixton. On the odd occasion I will watch a YouTube or TeacherTube video. Ok, perhaps I’m a below average user!?! I guess this depends on where you see yourself!
Secondly, my goal is to find and learn how to use other web 2.0 technologies to a proficient level. I’m going to define proficient as: the ability to effectively use the technology to create a positive outcome where I would be able to teach others how use it. As an educator I believe that it is important to connect with my students and to engage these 21st century learners via the new literacies.


To focus my blog posts I will be attempting to answer the following inquiry questions:
  1. How will web 2.0 technologies help me as a learner in my personal life?
  2. As a teacher, how can I use web 2.0 technologies to prepare my students, who are 21st century learners, for their future?
  3. How will web 2.0 technologies help me connect with my students?
  4. How will web 2.0 technologies help students who are English Language Learners (ELLs)?

In order to make sense of my learning and to provide answers to my inquiry questions, I’ll structure my blog posts into the following three sections:

a) Reflections on the process of learning about the tool.
b) Discussion of the tool in terms of my own personal learning.
c) Discussion of the tool in terms of teaching and learning.

I’m excited to begin! Please join me on my web 2.0 journey by following my blog!


  1. Well we're all off and running. I enjoyed reading your first post and look forward to sharing this learning adventure with you.

  2. Thanks so much Anita. Your first post was great--well organized, clear, and a very good introduction to the assignment and the way you will structure your subsequent posts. I think your inquiry questions will really help you focus on specific things that interest you and will help you when you write you final post (a long way away, it seems!!) to reflect back on where you started and how far you have come! I have no doubt you will be an above average technology user in no time!!


  3. Looking forward to learning with you, Anita! New Zealand must have been a great experience for you. You even brought back a husband, good for you :)
    I'm also wondering how exactly I will use the tools to connect with students and prepare them for this technological future...should be interesting!

  4. Welcome Anita! I had some difficulty accessing your blog initially, only to find it was added incorrectly to my blogger. Wonderful first entry (loving the pink!), looking forward to working with you in our discussion group.
